Why Exercising Balance?
Motherhood is: soaring through highs and stumbling through lows. Exercising Balance means we’re gentle with ourselves in the process. This juggling act that is #MomLife can throw us off track. Exercising Balance is the reminder to be kind to yourself [you're human!], recognize that you will have difficult seasons and that we can gently move through them with that next deep breath, guiding us forward.
Yoga gave me the tools that carried me through my pregnancies with confidence and my births with an intention of surrender. Yoga continues to reveal truth and strength within me along the journey of motherhood. This practice moves beyond the physical to enhance our mental and emotional wellbeing. I'm honored to share it with you here.

Why Exercising Balance?
Motherhood is: soaring through highs and stumbling through lows. Exercising Balance means we’re gentle with ourselves in the process. This juggling act that is #MomLife can throw us off track. Exercising Balance is the reminder to be kind to yourself [you're human!], recognize that you will have difficult seasons and that we can gently move through them with that next deep breath, guiding us forward.
Yoga gave me the tools that carried me through my pregnancies with confidence and my births with an intention of surrender. Yoga continues to reveal truth and strength within me along the journey of motherhood. This practice moves beyond the physical to enhance our mental and emotional wellbeing. I'm honored to share it with you here.
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Meet Amy
I grew up dancing at age 5 and have been fortunate to make a career out of it. After experiencing life as a dancer in New York City and learning more about determination, hope, struggle, and community than I ever thought I would, the transition to yoga seemed natural to me. Stepping onto my mat and out of the constant, electrifying buzz that is city life, gave me the opportunity to simply slow down. Yoga taught me how to breathe, how to really listen to my body and how to find more compassion for myself and for others.
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Balancing Twins Community
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Breastfeeding twins or planning to? Here's what worked for us on our 28-month-long journey.
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Balancing Twins is here to offer you support and suggestions, but it’s also here to remind you to surrender. Acceptance and surrender are two elements that I connected with often during my twin pregnancy, birth and beyond. Trust that you have all the strength you need and you and your babies are a perfect team.

Balancing Twins is here to offer you support and suggestions, but it’s also here to remind you to surrender. Acceptance and surrender are two elements that I connected with often during my twin pregnancy, birth and beyond. Trust that you have all the strength you need and you and your babies are a perfect team.

Check Out My Ebook
Breastfeeding twins or planning to? Here's what worked for us on our 28-month-long journey.
Get It Now
Birth Stories
I share the birth stories of my children with you. I enjoyed reading other stories during my pregnancies, I hope that you enjoy reading ours. They are written with love.
Wesley's Birth Story
39 weeks and 5 days. I woke up early on February 26, 2011 feeling slight waves of discomfort. I assumed that it was contractions. I never felt any Braxton Hicks...
Read moreClara's Birth Story
41 weeks and 3 days... Waiting "patiently" up until this point has been challenging. I had sciatic pain for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, so I was quite ready to...
Read moreGeorge & Rory's Birth Story
Wednesday September 7th, 36 weeks. I had just finished the bedtime routine for Wes and Clara. I come downstairs by around 9pm and the moment I’m not taking care of...
Read moreMy Blog
Baby Wearing Twins

“You’ve got your hands full!” - say about 90% of people who come across a twin mama. *forces a smile and replies “Yep! Want to grab this bag for me, please?”...
Read moreMy breastfeeding breakfast boost. Oatmea…

There are a few habits that I began during my twin pregnancy that have stuck with me. My protein-packed-oatmeal game is one of them. I’ve always loved oatmeal and knew of...
Read moreWhat I say when my toddler twins frantic…

I see the wiggle, the dancing in place, the indecisive, "should I go now or keep playing with this super-cool dinosaur? I should totally stay and play." Mom's quickly pick up...
Read moreMom-Stress, let's manage it with 2:1 bre…

There are practical parts of motherhood that you can plan for, like the car seat, baby food steamer and the best rated baby carrier. Then, there are the other parts...
Read moreA note from an Emergency Medicine wife d…

Most of you who know me, know my husband. Besides the fact that he’s the main member of the family who keeps us laughing, he’s an Emergency Medicine Physician. It...
Read moreBedtime stretch sequence for better slee…

It's one of my favorites times of the day, bedtime! And I'm talking my own, not necessarily the [sometimes maddening, sometimes sweet] routine with the four kiddos. When those little...
Read moreOur chaotic Off-Broadway production

When I danced on Broadway and as a Rockette, I learned my choreography, maintained the level of performance expected of me and proudly executed my role in the well-oiled machine...
Read moreBreastfeeding Twins: Sleep, eat, sleep, …

When I decided to share an image of my sleep deprived-self breastfeeding my newborn twins, I would have never have imagined the flood of encouragement I’d get. So much: “I FEEL...
Read moreNo line for Santa this year. Keep it bas…

Hey, Super-Stellar-Sometimes-Frazzled-Mama who thinks she needs to do it all for the ultimate holiday experience for the family. Here’s a little secret- your kids are happiest spending basic, quality time...
Read moreWhat's the bright side here? Motherhood …

I performed in the First National Tour of “Monty Python’s Spamalot” twelve years ago (pretty much another lifetime). I enjoyed 14 months of touring the country with friends that became...
Read moreMath in the Kitchen with Applesauce

Math can be fun. There, I said it. Honestly, I have always loved math. It’s clear-cut. The answer is either right or wrong, not subjective. I appreciate the methodical process of...
Read moreLessons from the Emergency Room

You may know that my husband is an Emergency Medicine physician. He sees it all and actually loves the thrill of the unknown when he walks into work. He has...
Read moreLiving for today. In memory of Crystal B…

We met on November 6, 2015. I was thrilled and relieved that you agreed to participate in the filming of my latest yoga DVD. I wanted to create a postpartum...
Read moreTrust your body at all times

Should I have lost all the "baby weight" by now? Should I have a flat-ish stomach? Is the goal to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans? Is this my new-normal? What is normal anyway? Hello...
Read morePrenatal and Postnatal Yoga Modification…

Is downward-facing dog your friend? Some mama's love the feel of this stretch, while others find it bothers their wrists, shoulders or neck. Maybe they have less-than-flexible hamstrings and instead...
Read moreWintertime Fitness

It's baaaaack... We live in one of the top 25 snowiest cities in the U.S. Many years we're 1st or 2nd on the list, something we Erie-ites take pride in. ...
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