"Value your work." An important message from author, Melody Beattie. To me it means that, as mommies, we must value the work we do, sunup to sundown. Value the time and energy it takes to keep life moving forward in your house. Meal prep, mountains of laundry, the eternal picking up of toys.... And... Value the work you are doing as you take an extra 15 minutes to wander the route your curious toddler wants to go on your walk. Value the work you do as you sit and place blocks repeatedly in the matching space on the barn. Do not diminish the value in making room for one more on your lap at dinner (every single night ❤) Your time, energy, patience, love and connection to your little clan isn't perceived as "work" sometimes, but it is truly invaluable. Recognize and give yourself credit for the work you put in to make your family a stronger unit filled with more love each day. From the dishes to the dance parties, each part is valuable and each part deserves a freakin' celebration!
You. Are. A. Star.
I raise a glass to you, mommy, as you tackle that playdoh crumb fest... again...
In case you forgot, Mom's lap is where it's at! Embrace it, beauty :)
<3 Amy