Breastfeeding Twins: Sleep, eat, sleep, repeat...

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

When I decided to share an image of my sleep deprived-self breastfeeding my newborn twins, I would have never have imagined the flood of encouragement I’d get.


So much: “I FEEL YOU”, “Oh, I remember those days”, “How did you do it?”.  My responses, “Ugh, thank you!”, “I know! <3”, and “I have no idea.”


As I mentioned in my very vulnerable post, “I was giving my all…” My husband captured an image of me sleeping, working, healing, resting, giving. I never knew he snapped this picture of me breastfeeding our newborn twins until a few months ago when we were looking through pictures of the their birth on his phone. (The twins are 3 now.) It struck me how exquisitely the image captured this season in our lives. I felt my heart bursting with love for my two healthy babies. I felt the exhaustion in my bones. I felt my body aching to heal from my vaginal and cesarean “double-birth” as I was in the fresh postpartum stage. I felt the fatigue and hunger that is part of making milk, breastfeeding two growing babies. I felt depleted and fulfilled at the same time. ‘Tis motherhood.


I could have looked at this pic and thought - Oh no, I’ll never share that. It feels so unflattering. I’m wearing my husband’s shirt because that (and maternity clothes) was the only thing that fit. I mean, this pic was not fitting the bill to grace any magazine cover! But, I saw so much more that needed to be shared.  And, I was damn PROUD of our journey and how far we’ve come!


After, @womenirl shared the post, then @scarymommy I was in awe at the responses received. What I heard loud and clear was that mama's are ah-mazing at supporting each other and lifting each other up. I also knew that this vulnerable message was important to keep sharing. 


Whether you're a twin mom or not, I hope this message reminds you just how incredible you are as you give so much of yourself to your babies. Breast or bottle, I know you do what is best for your baby and your family. Motherhood is a tough gig and what we need, more than anything, is support and encouragment.


Copied below is what I shared in my original post that went viral, translated to Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian... Reaching mamas across the globe. Grateful beyond words.


"Sharing this unfiltered image of me ✨giving my all✨ My hubby snapped this pic as I fell asleep sitting up, breastfeeding our two-week-old twins. Exhausted doesn’t fully describe this experience as I was healing from 2 types of births (Baby A vaginal, Baby B cesarean) and my body is working non-freaking-stop to make all the milk for these boys.

This is the least flattering/aesthetically pleasing image I could share of me bfing my twins but, man, it makes me proud as I look back at how hard my body was working. Sneaking in a nap while the boys ate because, holy crap, I could have fallen asleep anywhere during that first year of their lives.

Our bfing journey lasted 28 months. I amazed myself. Each day/week/month/year that ticked away was mind boggling to me. We were figuring this thing out. Together. It was not easy and required so much sacrifice, but I was 1,000% committed to this part of my journey and thankfully we made progress together.

I enjoyed so many beautiful moments with my boys nursing side-by-side. The first time twins hold hands while bfing is heart-bursting ? Those moments of connection, warm snuggles, love given and received got me through."


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Here's to always lifting each other up!


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