Let's Connect

Monday, 24 November 2014

You'll come across these reminders on the internet encouraging you connect with a friend, maybe a long lost dear one you haven't spoken to or heard from in awhile. It might be from a blog post or an inspirational quote.  Well this is your friendly internet reminder. 

This post comes on the heels of my butterfly post for Liam. It was a wake up call that life is short and unknown.  I've always wanted to live without regrets.  Live without the feeling of "I wish I would have done that."  " I should have at least tried to make that happen."  Many times, I encourage my students, family or friends to set big goals. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you, right?!  This post is not about setting those BIG goals, its about setting the goal of simply connecting.  Connecting to those friends or family you've been thinkiing of and just haven't taken the time to schedule it in to your life. Let's not have the regret of missing out on checking in on that person.  Look, I know, we're all busy, but if we don't take the time to schedule in a phone call, sending a card, or making a coffee date, we are missing out on strengthening the connections that hold us together.  We become stronger as friends and family, and also make our individual selves more whole.

We schedule our doctors appointments, school functions, meetings etc on our calendars.  Please take the time (before the BUSYness of the holidays begins) to schedule, on your calendar, a coffee/yoga/walking/shopping/Skype date with a friend or family member you haven't checked in with in awhile. Then, keep that ball rolling... Write a little card, email or text and just let someone who has been on your mind know that you are thinking of them.  It would brighten your day if you received one, right?  Share the love! 

Have an amazing weekend, friends.  Set the goal to connect and strengthen those relationships and yourself. 

Peace, Love and Skype!

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